Bach Cantata Vespers

The glorious devotional music of J. S. Bach.
Bach’s sacred cantatas are performed at Grace Church in the context of the service of evening prayer, accompanied by congregational singing, instrumental preludes, and faithful preaching.
Current season
Music for the praise and glory of God.
Bach composed more than 200 cantatas for worship services in 18th century Germany, an extraordinary output even for one of the greatest musicians of all time. Bach Cantata Vespers services at Grace present this music in the context of worship, as Bach intended.
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Now in our 54th season.
The 2024-25 series begins with a festive cantatas and works for orchestra. As we journey through the year, from September to May, we follow the cycle of the church year with Bach’s music accompanying us.
Current Season

Join us!
Cantatas are presented one Sunday afternoon each month, from September through November and January through May. Services begin with an instrumental prelude at 3:45 p.m., followed by the service of Evening Prayer at 4:00 p.m. Come early for a live preview lecture about the cantata at 3:00 p.m.
There is no admission fee; a free-will offering is received during the service.
Bach Cantata Vespers services are held at Grace Lutheran Church, 7300 Division Street, in River Forest, Illinois. River Forest is nine miles west of downtown Chicago, and there is plenty of free parking. Grace is handicapped accessible and a nursery is available during services for young children.
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Support the Bach Cantata Vespers ministry.
The Bach Cantata Vespers ministry relies on the tax-deductible donations of hundreds of people like you. Thank you for your support as we continue to make music to the glory and praise of God.